Translational Cancer Research Fundraiser Kick-off Gala Concludes with Success

Anti-cancer Movement Officially Starts 

HONG KONGNov. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — For decades, cancer has been one of the most fatal health problems. It was accountable for 12% of nearly 56 million deaths from all causes in 2000 worldwide. Today, cancer rate is still on the rise. Patients are anxiously waiting for promising new treatments. Many revolutionary studies and researches cannot be translated to testing and clinical use or medical products due to lack of translational funding. In view of the situation, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization (HKBIO) organized the Hong Kong Biotech Horizons 2013 (HKBH2013) to promote the translational cancer research to fight against cancer.

Founded by pioneering scientists with extensive life science backgrounds and multi-cultural experience in research and development, engineering and business in 2009, the Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization(HKBIO) is an independent non-profit organization with the goal to promote best practice and raise awareness across the biotechnology industry.

Hong Kong Biotech Horizons 2013 (HKBH2013) is a two-day event held in the Hong Kong Science Park. The event is honored to have Professor Roger D. Kornberg, the Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry 2006 as the guest. The first event is Symposium on Translational Medicine: Promising Researches in Cancer Therapies and Diagnostics, which is a one and a half day event held at the Charles K. Kao Auditorium by Professor Kornberg and other professors studying cancer in universities in Hong Kong, sharing their innovative research and studies. The second part is the face-to-face interaction of Professor Kornberg with secondary school students. Professor Kornberg has visited three secondary schools in New Territories to understand the learning situation of local secondary schools students. Apart from that, Professor Kornberg interacts with around four hundred secondary school students in the Amphitheatre today at 3pm. The third part is the Translational Cancer Research Fundraiser Kick-off Gala, which is jointly organized by Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization(HKBIO), Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) and Asian Fund for Cancer Research(AFCR), to raise funds for the research and development of cancer treatments and diagnosis.

The Translational Cancer Research Fundraiser Kick-off Gala is initiated by Dr. Kennedy Wong Ying-ho, BBS, JP, Member, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Professor Lo Yuk-lam, Honorary Chairman, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization; Professor Albert Yu Cheung-hoi, Chairman, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization; Mr. Allen Ma Kam-sing, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation; and Dr. Sujuan Ba, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, National Foundation for Cancer Research. The event is honored to have Professor Roger D. Kornberg, the Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry 2006 as the guest. "Nowadays in Asia and Greater China region, there is a large gap between advanced cancer studies and the actual practice of cancer prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Lack of funding is the main obstacle in the way of translating biomedical sciences to clinical medicine in fighting cancer. The Gala is tasked to solicit monetary support by raising public concern about the issue, so as to create opportunities and speed up the translation of scientific studies into clinical medicine," said Professor Albert Yu Cheung-hoi.

