Advancing Cutting-Edge Cancer Research

Building an International Network

Creating Collaborative Platforms

We believe that research holds the key that may end cancer. That’s why at AFCR, we place the highest priority in advancing cutting-edge cancer research in all important fields that will lead to better preventative methods, advanced diagnostic tools, more effective treatment approaches. We fund projects in a variety of important research fields, such as overcoming cancer’s resistance to chemotherapy, developing new screening tests for early detection, optimizing approaches of personalized medicine, and stopping cancer metastasis, etc.

AFCR provides the public with a wide variety of in-depth, user-friendly cancer prevention information and healthy lifestyle suggestions. We help the community understand the latest scientific achievements and their potential significance to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.  Armed with this knowledge, people can better protect themselves against cancer.

The State of Cancer Research

Cancer research is about much more than just the scientists, physicians, and nurses who are continuing decades of exploration; it benefits millions of patients and survivors in the form of innovative treatments, screening methods, and promising developments.

We are making great progress against cancer, but there is still more to be done. And you can help.