AFCR-Funded Innovative Immunotherapy Received Clinical Trial Approval!

AFCR-Funded Innovative Immunotherapy Received Clinical Trial Approval!

Since 2020 AFCR has funded a novel multi-targeting immunotherapeutic platform that we envisioned could provide a safe and effective treatment for gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. Today I am excited to share with you the program’s recent great progress!

With your previous support and funding, the drug indicated for the potential treatment of late-stage GI cancers has recently received approval for Phase I clinical trial. Patient enrollment is currently open in Australia and would begin in the third quarter of 2022 in Hong Kong. In addition, the clinical trial applications in China and the US are also under planning later this year.

I hope that learning about the great news and our scientists’ pioneering work inspires you to send another generous donation to AFCR. Your gift will go directly to some of the world’s most renowned scientists and clinicians—researchers whose ultimate goal is to find cures for all types of cancer.

Discoveries were made possible because of your continued support as a loyal donor to AFCR. With your renewed help, we will stay the course and ensure that this important work continues.

Please send as generous a contribution as possible and be assured that your money will work hard to bring an end to the suffering caused by cancer. Thank you!